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Page history last edited by Jason Smith 10 years, 8 months ago


Facebook Profiles for a Historical Figure or Fictional Character


During class you will go to Fakebook and create a FAKE Facebook page for a historical figure or fictional character. Your job is to imagine you are actually this person, and make posts that they would make, or that their friends would make to them. Your job is also to include the information required below:


If working on a historical figure, you must have:

  • a post that is a short summary of why the person is important. Remember, a good summary includes who? what? when? where? why? and how?
  • a short description of the time period they lived (use lots of adjectives and be sure to note the year)
  • the year they were born, and the year they died
  • where they lived 
  • 1 advertisement shared by a "friend" for a product they might use
  • one post about their job


Here is an example of a Fakebook page for a historical figure. 


If working on a fictional character, you must have:

  • a post that is a short summary of the story they are in. Remember, a good summary includes who? what? when? where? why? and how?
  • a short, descriptive weather report (using adjectives) 
  • 1 advertisement shared by a "friend" for a product they might use
  • one post must be about your opinion of the story


Here is an example of a Fakebook page for a fictional character. 


How to make a great Fakebook:

  • You are allowed to make other posts! The only rule is it must be related to your assigned person/topic! 
  •  Only type posts from people you put on his or her friends list 
  • Be sure to make sure you add something to every box and use pictures
  • Make comments on some of the posts, or add "Likes" 
  • If you can find the exact date something happened, use it to make the post. An easy way is to google "when did ______ happen?"
  • If you are working with famous people, there is not reason to look for their picture, Fakebook will put it in for you! 


When you are finished, save your work. Then come back here and copy & paste the website link of your Fakebook page. 


Third Grade Penguin Toolbox

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