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I want an iguana

Page history last edited by Jason Smith 10 years, 8 months ago

We will be making a power point to try and convince your parents to buy you a pet. It can be any pet you want: a common pet like a puppy, an uncommon one like a lion, or an imaginary one like a dragon. Follow the directions below to make your power point.


  1. Go to Haiku Deck
  2. On the first slide put what pet you want
  3. On the second slide put one reason your parents should give you the pet.
  4. On the third slide put another reason why your parents should give you the pet.
  5. On the fourth slide put your last reason your parents should give you the pet.
  6. On the fifth slide put "That's why I want a ______."
  7. On the last slide put your name.
  8. Go to each slide and put a picture related to the sentence on that slide.
  9. Now you may go back and change the way your slides and text look. 
  10. Click the share button
  11. Copy and paste the link to your power point below! 

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